Every day is a good day to make shit happen.

JobRow --1

Making a difference.

It's tempting to channel our inner Ingeborg and proclaim the products and services we build positively impact people's lives on a daily basis. But we're a more level-headed bunch. What is true though, is how much your individual efforts will impact the projects you're working on, as well as Nimble itself. That's where the real satisfaction lies, at least in our opinion. Namasté.
What the heck is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?
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Sharing is caring.

We don't like secrets, so if there’s something valuable we learned that could give businesses a competitive edge, rest assured we'll put it out there. Which is why we're relentless spammers on social media, and why we love organizing a good meet-up and the occasional webinar. Even during lunch time, the knowledge-sharing doesn't stop. Don't worry though, we don't talk business 24/7 either; we're still human.
What the heck is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?
Find out →
JobRow --2

One happy family.

We’re a group of passionate nerds and nerdettes that have been given all the necessary support, trust and freedom to do the job we love, and get better at it, too. Us privileged millennials have freed ourselves from the typical corporate constraints and have managed to instead foster a culture that encourages you to give it your all, and keep learning.
What the heck is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?
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Good to know:

We focus on creating focus
Nobody can be productive with a completely fragmented schedule. That's why our teams create full weeks of focus, dedicated to a single project, goal, or outcome. We only do things that matter.
Small teams, huge individual impact
Each product team at Nimble has like, 5 people in it, tops. And they get to collaborate directly with clients. We're actually building and launching stuff instead of getting involved with politics.
We leave room for personal growth
Becoming the best version of yourself at Nimble is a two-way street. That's why we invest hundreds of thousands each year into courses, coaching, and internal R&D weeks.
Staying mindful about workloads
A fast-paced environment sounds almost synonymous with a poor work-life balance. But we've learned that longer hours don't equate to better results, so we steer clear of overtime.
A group of caring, like-minded people
Everyone around here is equally passionate, perfectionistic, and horny for efficiency. Our culture revolves around improving people's quality of life, and that includes our own teams.
Radically candid feedback, always
Proper collaboration means everyone provides and receives feedback that is honest and constructive. Even our own clients may have their ideas challenged by us.