What did we do?
What's been bothering them?
Loading docks often present a considerable bottleneck in logistics for truck drivers. Once they arrive, they need to get out of their vehicle, find the right person who then has to look up the correct terminal location, before the drive gets assigned to the (hopefully) correct gate. Because, on top of all that, there's a significant language barrier to consider as well. This results in unnecessary delays, congestion, unregistered samples, data errors and safety issues.
How did we fix it?
In a nutshell, we built a checkpoint tool for truck drivers. It allows them to announce their presence at a loading dock and request gate access. This can be done in advance through a mobile (web) application, or on the spot by means of a self check-in kiosk. The job to be done was to lower the overall throughput time by offering a swift and seamless experience for both drivers and internal staff.
What are the results?
Thanks to our checkpoint application, DSV now saves a bunch of time, and therefore money. Every truck driver can now register his vehicle and payload himself, resulting in less administrative overhead, fewer data errors, and increased safety. By including multi-language support as well, onboarding and usage of the application became a much more pleasing experience for everyone involved, solving a critical bottleneck in the logistic supply chain in the process.
What did the process look like?
Moving fast is our trademark, and what allows us to create better experiences, faster, is our process. We’ve fragmented the entire development cycle into week-long sprints. Short, intsense bursts of productivity, with clearly defined challenges at the start, weekly stand-ups, rapid prototyping, and repeated end user testing. As a nice added bonus, it also allows for custom tailored roadmaps depending on the project and client.
Here’s what the final product can do!
So, what are the core features of the web application again?

Streamlined communication between truck drivers, warehouses and back offices.
Our docking logistics application overcomes language barriers by offering a multi-language solution, but also through visual representation and process simplification.

All interactions collected in a centralized system.
We've implemented various APIs to end up with a truly centralized system. What was once a chaotic and unpredictable process, now flows smoothly thanks to the apps and kiosks, and allows for easy data capturing as well! Hence, DSV can now make data-driven decisions to optimize their logistics even further.
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