Unfortunately, once a company reaches a certain level of maturity, innovation doesn't come as easy anymore. Organizational structures keep expanding, yet there's rarely a system in place for acting on new ideas.
save your seatAt the same time, failing to innovate can and will leave you limping behind competitors who are soaring, simply because they decided to update their business model. So what's stopping these companies? What exactly is suppressing the need and want for innovation? After this webinar, you'll walk away with a fresh perspective on getting things done in the context of a complex organization. You'll have the necessary knowledge and tools at your disposal to become an advocate for change yourself.
Stef Nimmegeers, co-founder of Bothrs, has plenty of first-hand experience with the shortcomings and pitfalls of many large organizations and businesses alike. He knows where people tend to throw a wrench in the gears. He has dedicated all his energy to the creation of a company that combats this, and helps teams work together and get shit done outside the constraints of their company.
He is the guy you're looking for when starting a new digital experience project. Because getting people together in a room is one thing, it's another to guide them towards a first prototype and have their business idea validated as quickly as possible. With dozens of workshops under his belt, he knows how to get people to collaborate effectively.