Back at it again with part two on how to leverage qualitative research to help you make some tough decisions! Here's a quick look at how you can run better customer interviews 👇
In his book, design sprint originator Jake Knapp included a framework to help you conduct a proper qualitative interview, called the "Five Act Interview Method" 😎
We try to stick to it the best we can, while also letting the interviewee roam free as much as possible. Because whenever you invite someone to come check out your product or prototype it's important you let him or her figure things out on their own, as would be the case in real life.
User testing is like the cornerstone upon which we build our next move. Is the value offered unclear, are users having trouble navigating the prototype... You name it. These are all things you can't really predict unless you let someone else try it 🧐
The final question that remains, in the context of a usability study, how much test users do you really need to draw definite conclusions? 🤔