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One year might sound like a limited amount of time to a large enterprise. But for a small, independent product team, a lot can happen in just a single month.

Here's why:

πŸ‘‰ An independent team isn't hindered by latency created by the many layers in a large organization.

πŸ‘‰ Keeping a team small means communication channels remain manageable, and collaborating is more intimate.

πŸ‘‰ Having a cross-functional team means having all the necessary skills to complete a project accessible within a single team.

πŸ‘‰ An agile, people-focused approach keeps customers in the loop, and drastically shortens your time to market.

That's pretty much how we feel about product teams at **Bothrs**. Out of all of those things, I think the biggest strength of such teams is their autonomy.

Clear goals, no distractions.

Shout out to Laura, Jil, Tijs and Jacco by the way for being our exemplary team πŸ˜„


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